Friday, November 25, 2011

tulisan efek api

Final Result

1. Create a new document that's 700×500 pixels with a white background. Double click on the white background layer to unlock, then again to go into Blending Options. Put in the following Gradient Overlay.

2. Copy & Paste this image onto the canvas. Shrink the image down by pressing CTRL+T and drag a corner down while holding down the Shift Key (to keep the shape straight). Set the Blending Mode to Soft Light & the opacity to 30%.

3. Using the font Optimus Princeps write out the word/s you want to set on fire!. Duplicate the text by dragging it to the new layer icon.

4. On the first text layer double click into Blending Options and put in the following:

5. Click on the eye icon on the first text layer to remove it from view. On the second text layer double click into Blending Options and put in the following Color Overlay. Right click the text layer and Rasterize Type.

6. Next using the Smudge Tool (R) smudge the text around to make burn marks.

7. Click on the Eye icon on the first text layer.

8. Copy & Paste this image onto the canvas and shrink down. While holding down the CTRL Key click on the Text Layer (circled below) to activate the shape. Go to the wood textured image and click on the Add Layer Mask (circled below also). This will crop the image down to the text shape.

9. Next get this fire image. With the fire image in Photoshop, go into Channels and remove all the eye icons except for the Green Channel. While holding down the CTRL Key click on the Green Channel Layer to activate the highlighted area. With the area still activated click on the RGB Channel Layer eye icon to bring back the channels then the RGB layer. Press CTRL+C to Copy.

10. Go back to the fire text and press CTRL+V to paste the flames onto the canvas. Shrink down the flame image using the CTRL+T method.

11. Using the Zoom Tool Zoom up to the first letter. Erase parts of the flames you don't want using the Eraser Tool. To go back to full size double click on the Zoom Icon.

12. Repeat steps 10 & 11 with the remaining letter.

13. While holding down the CTRL Key, select all of the fire images and drag them to the Folder icon to place them in a folder. Duplicate the folder and dragging it to the new layer icon. On the Duplicated folder set the Blending Mode to Soft Light. This will make the fire more intense!

Final Result

Want more?

tulisan ber efek

The Final Result:
* the software used in this tutorial is Adobe Photoshop CS5 Extended
* the size of the final result image is 1024 * 768
* you might want to check the Basix Page to see some useful topics on dealing with Photoshop basics, such as loading palettes and some shortcuts.
* Modified Diamond Sparkles Brush.
Step 1:
- Create a new layer on top of the Background layer and call it “Gradient”. Set the Foreground color to #724242, and the Background color to #3c1a1a, then, create a Radial Gradient from the center of the document to one of the corners.
Shiny Sparkles Text Effect step 1
- Double click the “Gradient” layer to add a Gradient Overlay. Change the Bland Mode to Overlay, the Opacity to 80%, the Angle to 45°, and the Scale to 150%. Then click the Gradient box to create it.
Shiny Sparkles Text Effect step 1
- Use the colors #dc4800 (to the left) and #430401 (to the right) to create the Gradient.
Shiny Sparkles Text Effect step 1
- This is what you should get.
Shiny Sparkles Text Effect step 1
- Go to Filter -> Sketch -> Water Paper, and set the values as shown below:
Shiny Sparkles Text Effect step 1
- This will add some nice looking sparkles to the Background.
Shiny Sparkles Text Effect step 1
Step 2:
- Create the text in Black. The font used is Aardvark Cafe and the size is 500 px.
Shiny Sparkles Text Effect step 2
- Double click the text layer and add an Outer Glow. Change the Blend Mode to Vivid Light, the color to #a6dc6b, the Size to 10 and the Range to 100%.
Shiny Sparkles Text Effect step 2
- Change the text layer’s Fill value to 0%. The text should have a very subtle glow effect.
Shiny Sparkles Text Effect step 2
Step 3:
- Right click on the text layer and choose Create Work Path.
Shiny Sparkles Text Effect step 3
- Download the Modified Diamond Sparkles Brush. It is a simple diamond brush, and you can check its settings after you load it under the Brush panel (Window -> Brush). Select this brush before moving on to the next step.
Shiny Sparkles Text Effect step 3
- Create a new layer on top of all layers and call it “Sparkles”. Set the Foreground color to White, and pick the Direct Selection Tool.
Shiny Sparkles Text Effect step 3
- Right click on the path and choose Stroke Path.
Shiny Sparkles Text Effect step 3
- Choose Brush from the Tool drop down menu, and check the Simulate Pressure box.
Shiny Sparkles Text Effect step 3
- This will stroke the path with the sparkles brush. Hit Enter to get rid of the path.
Shiny Sparkles Text Effect step 3
Double click the “Sparkles” layer to apply the “Glow” layer styles:
- Outer Glow: Change the Blend Mode to Color Dodge and the color to White.
Shiny Sparkles Text Effect step 3
- Inner Glow: Just change the color to #f4edd3.
Shiny Sparkles Text Effect step 3
- This will add a simple glow to the sparkles. Change the “Sparkles” layer’s Fill value to 0%.
Shiny Sparkles Text Effect step 3
Step 4:
Choose a soft round brush, and change its setting’s values (Window -> Brush) as shown below.
- Brush Tip Shape:
Shiny Sparkles Text Effect step 4
- Shape Dynamics:
Make sure to choose Pen Pressure from the Size Jitter – Control drop down menu.
Shiny Sparkles Text Effect step 4
- Create a work path once again (right click on text layer -> Create Work Path), create a new layer on top of all layers and call it “Glow”, set the Foreground color to #f8ff99, and stroke the path (right click on the path -> Stroke Path) with the brush, and hit Enter.
Shiny Sparkles Text Effect step 4
Double click the “Glow” layer to add more “Glow” layer styles:
- Outer Glow: Change the Blend Mode to Soft Light, the color to White, and the Size to 2.
Shiny Sparkles Text Effect step 4
- Inner Glow: Change the Blend Mode to Linear Light, the color to #ffb8b8, the Source to Center, and the Size to 2.
Shiny Sparkles Text Effect step 4
- Change the “Glow” layer’s Blend Mode to Overlay. Notice how bright the text is now.
Shiny Sparkles Text Effect step 4
Step 5:
Once again, choose a soft round brush, and change its setting’s values (Window -> Brush) as shown below.
- Brush Tip Shape:
Shiny Sparkles Text Effect step 5
- Shape Dynamics:
Make sure to choose Pen Pressure from the Size Jitter – Control drop down menu.
Shiny Sparkles Text Effect step 5
- Transfer:
Shiny Sparkles Text Effect step 5
- Create a work path, create a new layer on top of all layers, call it “Color” and change its Blend Mode to Color, set the Foreground color to #a7a400, and stroke the path with the brush, then hit Enter.
This will add a nice green tone color to the glow.
Shiny Sparkles Text Effect step 5
* You can stop right here if you like the effect this way. The following two steps are optional, but they add a nice touch to both the Background and the text, making the final effect more winter-holiday-like. *
Step 6:
- Set the Foreground and Background colors back to #724242 and #3c1a1a, then select the “Gradient” layer.
Shiny Sparkles Text Effect step 6
- Go to Filter -> Brush Strokes -> Sprayed Strokes, and change the values as shown below:
Shiny Sparkles Text Effect step 6
- The big sparkles in the Background will disappear, leaving a smoother looking splattered-like texture.
Shiny Sparkles Text Effect step 6
Step 7:
- Create a new layer on top of all layers and call it “Snow Glow”, then double click it to apply some more “Glow” layer styles.
Shiny Sparkles Text Effect step 7
- Outer Glow: Change the Blend Mode to Vivid Light, the color to White, and the Size to 2.
Shiny Sparkles Text Effect step 7
- Inner Glow: Change the Blend Mode to Linear Light, the color to #ffe400, the Source to Center, and the Size to 2.
Shiny Sparkles Text Effect step 7
- Set the Foreground color to White, and use the last brush you created (in Step 5) to draw some “glowing snow – like” strokes along the text edges. You can use the “Eraser Tool” to remove any unwanted areas.
Shiny Sparkles Text Effect step 7
And we’re done!